The Roberts Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., has significantly influenced the landscape of American law, impacting the freedoms and rights of citizens in profound ways. Since Roberts’ appointment in 2005, the Court has navigated a complex array of issues, from voting rights to religious liberties, that have far-reaching consequences for the future of American democracy.
One of the most notable aspects of the Roberts Court is its conservative tilt, particularly following the appointments of Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. This conservative majority has led to decisions that have redefined the balance between state and federal powers, individual rights, and governmental authority. For example, in Shelby County v. Holder (2013), the Court dismantled key provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which had been instrumental in protecting minority voting rights. The decision shifted the responsibility of oversight from the federal government to the states, resulting in a wave of new voting laws that critics argue have made it more difficult for some citizens to exercise their right to vote.
Religious freedom is another area where the Roberts Court has left its mark. The Court has expanded the scope of religious liberties, often at the expense of other constitutional rights. In Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. (2014), the Court ruled that closely-held for-profit corporations could refuse to provide contraception coverage under the Affordable Care Act if it conflicted with the owners’ religious beliefs. This decision marked a significant moment in the intersection of religious freedom and women’s rights, raising concerns about the potential for religious liberties to be used as a basis for limiting other freedoms.
The Roberts Court has also played a pivotal role in the ongoing debates over Second Amendment rights. In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the Court affirmed an individual’s right to possess firearms, striking down Washington D.C.’s handgun ban. This ruling set a precedent that has been instrumental in subsequent cases, shaping the national dialogue on gun control and individual rights.
Looking forward, the Roberts Court is likely to continue influencing the direction of American freedoms, especially as it confronts issues related to technology, privacy, and executive power. The decisions made by this Court will have long-lasting implications, determining how future generations of Americans understand and exercise their freedoms. As the nation navigates a rapidly changing social and political landscape, the rulings of the Roberts Supreme Court will remain central to shaping the future of American liberties.
Leonard Leo: The Power Broker Behind America’s Judicial Shift
In the landscape of American politics, few individuals wield as much behind-the-scenes influence as Leonard Leo. As the former executive vice president of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization, Leo has played a pivotal role in reshaping the judiciary to reflect a more conservative philosophy. This has raised concerns about the long-term implications of his influence on the state of democracy in the USA.
The Architect of Conservative Judicial Dominance
Leonard Leo’s career is a testament to the power of strategic legal maneuvering. He has been instrumental in the nomination and confirmation of several Supreme Court justices, including John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. These appointments have shifted the Supreme Court to a solid conservative majority, potentially affecting rulings on key issues for decades.
Leo’s influence extends beyond the Supreme Court. He has been involved in placing conservative judges in lower federal courts, thereby shaping the judiciary at multiple levels. This systematic approach ensures that conservative legal principles influence a broad spectrum of legal decisions, from district courts to the highest court in the land.
Political Beliefs and Judicial Philosophy
Leonard Leo’s political beliefs are grounded in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, often referred to as originalism. This philosophy argues that the Constitution should be interpreted based on the original understanding of its text at the time it was written. While this approach has its merits, critics argue that it can lead to regressive rulings that do not consider the evolving context of modern society.
Leo’s influence has been particularly pronounced in cases involving reproductive rights, affirmative action, voting rights, and environmental regulations. The conservative majority he helped build has made significant rulings, such as the rollback of Roe v. Wade, which underscores the profound impact of his judicial strategy.
The Dangers to Democracy
The consolidation of judicial power in the hands of a particular ideology poses significant dangers to the state of democracy. A judiciary that consistently rules in favor of conservative principles can undermine progressive legislation, even when it reflects the will of the majority. This can lead to a disconnect between public opinion and judicial outcomes, eroding trust in democratic institutions.
One of the most concerning aspects of Leo’s influence is the potential for entrenching minority rule. The conservative legal philosophy often supports decisions that favor the interests of the powerful over those of marginalized groups. This can exacerbate existing inequalities and hinder efforts to achieve social justice.
Moreover, the emphasis on originalism can hinder the judiciary’s ability to adapt to contemporary challenges. Issues like climate change, digital privacy, and evolving social norms require a judiciary capable of interpreting the Constitution in a manner that addresses present-day realities. A rigid adherence to originalism can stifle this necessary evolution, leaving the judiciary ill-equipped to protect the rights and interests of future generations.
The Path Forward
Addressing the challenges posed by Leonard Leo’s influence requires a multifaceted approach. First, there is a need for greater transparency in the judicial nomination process. The involvement of secretive organizations and dark money in shaping the judiciary undermines public trust and accountability.
Second, there must be a concerted effort to balance the ideological composition of the courts. This includes advocating for judicial nominees who represent a broader spectrum of legal philosophies and ensuring that the judiciary reflects the diversity of the American populace.
Finally, it is crucial to engage in robust civic education to foster a deeper understanding of the judiciary’s role in democracy. An informed public is better equipped to hold leaders accountable and advocate for a judiciary that upholds democratic principles.
Leonard Leo’s legacy is a testament to the profound impact one individual can have on the judicial landscape. While his influence has solidified a conservative stronghold in the judiciary, it also highlights the fragility of democratic institutions. Ensuring a judiciary that reflects the evolving values of society and maintains the trust of the public is essential for the health of American democracy. As the nation grapples with these challenges, the lessons of Leonard Leo’s influence serve as both a cautionary tale and a call to action.
Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. (And, I could write this entire article with this sentence many a thousand times over)
The Biden campaign’s choice to lay down the gauntlet of a debate against Donald Trump has turned out to be a flub that could be a most unfortunate turning point in the re-election of one of two men who have held the oval office of the President of the United States of America.
Crestfallen is how many voters who are supporting President Biden may feel after the debate of June 27, 2024.
This situation is not going away, because being blunt – Joe Biden isn’t going to get younger.
Age is what no man (or woman) can get away from. This is fact and we all have to deal with it.
Joe Biden has to sell it!
Night and day, day and night; he is the man that has to sell himself on the side of democracy against the promised tide of fascism.
President Joe Biden is the avatar of the Democratic Party, just as parallel is former President Donald Trump for the Republican Party.
Trump has a presentation of strength. Yeah, and I hate to admit it. Of course, presentation versus reality should not be taken as the end-all, be-all of what will occur in the final months of this campaign.
That which is happening post-debate is way beyond just repeating how good and decent a man Joe Biden is versus the indecency of Donald Trump.
Happy talk isn’t going to make us unsee what we saw and unhear what we heard. Dems going on television acting as if everything is fine and think they can carry the President’s water to get him over the finish line is not going to work. Pity now for the President is the fact that he’ll have to work ten times as hard to show he’s up to the job.
Sad to say it, but that word ‘pity’ will have a way of affixing in encompassing the situation that has sorrowfully blossomed around Joe Biden.
And, you know what – in the clinging and clawing of how the Biden campaign surrogates have acted in putting the spin on the myth of what happened with the President as being only ‘one bad night’, it reveals that lantern of gas-lighting has been raised by both political parties
As a voter, I am hoping that the President, his family, and closest advisers are not in the headspace of making an attempt at overcompensating for the sense of a man’s bruised pride and a feeling of being humiliated on a public stage, to the extent that they are going to craft a façade of vim and vigor that will possibly lead to an irreversible calamity or accelerated deterioration of his faculties.
The candidate may be on an impossible quest of ‘proving himself’ to the voting public and reclaiming that which was lost on that debate stage in Atlanta.
That which was lost was time, space, and opportunity. Time was the precise moment, as for space and opportunity was being within an arms’ length of confronting an opponent.
Members of his staff who prepped him at Camp David for those six days prior to June 27th should have put the word out that he had a cold before he went into that debate. It would have given a heads up to the public who watched the debate and have a sense of understanding that he was under the weather.
But, instead of doing that, they put out a candidate who looked pale and frail. They shoved so many stats into Biden’s head that he couldn’t keep his thoughts together as he was speaking.
CNN’s political director David Chalian had also given the heads up to both candidates and their campaigns that the debate moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash would not be responsible for doing the fact-checking of candidate answers and claims during the allotted time.
With that reality being known to the Biden campaign beforehand, they fumbled in putting the President on that stage against a known and outrageous liar. Oh yeah, Trump is what he is. But, what the viewers of that spectacle of that debate saw was a man who could not meet the dreaded one with a real pushback.
We can laugh at Trump, his whacked-out ideas of wickedness and all those who support him all we want. But, we are doing that to our own detriment.
Trump’s possibly got 40 to 44 percent and that is his ceiling of support at this moment with Biden having literally the same percentage. Neither of these men are lucky enough to be in that luxurious position of being beloved enough to hit 50 to 51 in the lane of victory.
The polls are not set in stone and we all know that. But, the fact remains that this race is too damned close, for it would be better for Joe Biden to be leading than having to catch up to Donald Trump from behind.
Those on the left better wake up and realize Trump has a path to win this election. And, all of the condescension and snickering of constantly saying that Donald Trump can’t slither back into the oval office is a fool’s folly.
For progressive/liberal/left talking heads to have this smirk of superiority upon their face and audibility of such dismissive hubris in vocal tone to anyone who would dare air questions of concern about the Democratic Presidential candidate’s will to fight, should realize it’s going to take more than just those of us who vote D to win this election. Yes, we better admit that we need Independents and even Republicans to put their votes solidly behind Joe Biden to win.
When that bell was rung in that debate and Joe Biden took the podium, it was the optimum scenario to clean Donald Trump’s clock in real-time. It may be base to admit it; but, I wanted to see a verbal smack-down, dress-down and every other imaginable throw-down of an arrogant authoritarian, who wouldn’t give two-craps of what his opponent thought of him. Donald Trump would have to stand there and take it, without filter.
It has to be more than just NOT TRUMP, but YES BIDEN!!
With the Supreme Court ruling on the definitions, discretions, and ideological protectorate of what is and what is not Presidential immunity[1], the majority has proven all which they do in servicing Donald Trump.
For what the Roberts Six has set forth in this term, we as voters are on our own in staying true to what democracy is.
That CNN debate could be chalked up as being “The Fight That Never Was”.
Joe had one job to do. And, it wasn’t Prez Joe who we needed on that stage. Scranton Joe is who we needed.
We, the voters needed a scrappy fighter who would drop a few apt f-bombs, mf-bombs and bs-bombs on that live debate against a round-the-clock, 24/7 liar.
Joe Biden had to be at his fighting best when going face to face in that debate with Donald Trump. And, he was not.
It was a wasted opportunity, which may never come again. Straight to the point; all the would-haves, should-haves, and could-haves are gone with the bitter wind of change in the hours passing.
But, now, after the fact – everybody seems to have to go on spin control doing cleanup to put Biden back together.
Circling the wagons around President Biden has a way of diminishing him even further in being pitied. Whoa, we have to protect ‘the old man’ and treat him with fragility as we ‘ensconce him in bubble wrap’. This aspect paints the President with the turgid brush of Donald Trump’s accusation of feebleness. It just fits the narrative that has been coming from the right-wing all of these years.
Sad to say it, but this narrative has fed into the caricature of how President Joe Biden is seen and heard.
In some ways, what is happening right now has a way of becoming the ultimate bank-shot for the Republicans; for if Joe Biden bows out of the race and the Democrats don’t line up immediately behind vice-President Kamala Harris to be the party’s nominee in the fall, the coalition of the Democratic party would be ripped apart. And, with the Democrats in disarray, the Republicans would have the possibility of being the beneficiary of disillusioned voters across the country.
“How the fuck are you going to put all these white people ahead of Kamala?” – Donna Brazile, former Democratic National Committee Chair[2]
Time waits for nobody, including the person seated in the oval office at the present. Please don’t play the American voter cheap is my advice to the Biden campaign.
Course correction is needed in the Biden campaign. Yet, some Democrats in the wagons might be overly correcting the situation at hand. The campaign should not shroud the candidate in teleprompter facilitated events. Toss the teleprompter and speak from your heart, Mr. President!
Put the candidate in town halls, quick interviews or even on a cross-country bus tour labeled, “Biden Build Back 2024”. He has to be snappy and awake to change the conversation from what many average voters are saying across America.
The one thing which the President seemed to have on his side was the commodity of truthfulness in telling it like it is to the American public and not bastardizing reality with the simplicity of breathing the way his opponent does.
Yet, as the story of that ‘one bad night’ is being retold and cajoled by White House staff and even Biden himself has changed over time; which leaves me scratching my head in wondering what is really going on in Biden-world.
Was it a cold[3]? Was it a 12-day jet lag[4]?
Former Senator, Vice-President and now President Joe Biden’s adherence to an overarching institutionalism has bared a blind-spot which former President Donald Trump has justifiably used against him. Trump and the rest of the Republican Party will pounce on any whiff of weakness.
Biden’s weakness is his being a romancer of yesteryear. 50 plus years in the game Joe Biden has been. And, getting along with his fellow colleagues across the aisle has been his credo. Yeah, but right now the touting of bipartisanship is a stick that we as Democrats seem to be on the short end of.
An avatar may be able to take Democrats far. Alas, five decades of serving the American people is not an infinite placeholder of practicality, if a blip turns out to be a gnawing diminishment of permanence.
Things in the judicial and political sphere are no longer normal. To me, this means to confront this abhorrence that is Trump and all for which he stands for with more than just a powder puff of listless propriety.
Mr. President, turn on a flamethrower and blast out of the damned box of conformity:
Put your foot on the gas and expand the court!
Override the filibuster to codify the elements of reproductive freedom!
My humble advice to the Biden campaign is this; please don’t dismiss the concern and just plain-out curiosity that we as voters have over that debate performance. The enthusiasm for re-electing President Biden ain’t what you are betting on it to be.
Sometimes when I see the Dems in the media constantly spouting off that their voters will turn out, I roll my eyes and sigh in realizing turning me out to the polls isn’t the same as turning me on to give a damn to take myself to the polls in November.
And, yes, I intend to vote for President Biden. But, I wish we all could see Scrappy Joe from Scranton mixing it up without the shackles of the perceived way a President of the United States should behave.
We’ve seen how the man in the office before the current occupant behaved and I as voter am dreading a return to that.
Be scrappy, Joe! Not sappy!
“Unraveled In the Blink of An Eye” – Footnotes:
1.-23-939 Trump v. United States – U.S. Supreme Court
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A.H. Scott is a poet and essayist based in New York City and is a veteran contributor to this blog. To access additional articles by A.H. Scott, click here:
Kasheem “The Dream” Peterson. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024
Text by Kasheem Peterson, Copyright 2024
Photography by Tony Ward, Copyright 2024
Creative Director: KVaughn
Lighting Assistant: Tony Colagreco
The Dream
I was born in Brooklyn, New York. My parents were both federal employees of the United States government. My father thought it was a great idea to train me in Shotokan Karate and military combative training such as blocks and strikes at the early age of three years old in our kitchen in Flatbush. Dad is now a pastor of a Baptist Church in South Jersey. Him training me was intentional or purposeful due to the fact that my name means warrior and protector in both Japanese and Hebrew.
We moved from Brooklyn to Sicklerville, New Jersey in Camden County when I was 9 years old. It was not too long after that I enrolled in pee wee football and Soo Bahk Do and Antero Karate where I received instruction from master trainer, Hector Rodriquez. He and my father thought it was best that I begin tournament style fighting at the age of twelve fighting adults. I did well and I followed the instructions of the instructor and my father.
I played football and wrestled in high school. Most importantly, I was a Battalion Executive Officer for the Junior Reserves Officer Training Program at Overbrook Regional High School in Pine Hill, NJ. I competed in junior special forces training and military drills and even went to a boot camp for minors headed into the military for the Delayed Entry Program. Through my training and accolades in martial arts and sports I attained a Congressional Nomination to the Citadel Military Institute of South Carolina.
I received an associates from Trident Technical Institute in Charleston and went on to get a Bachelors in Political Science from Widener University in Chester PA. During my years in college, I got signed by Cory Dueger Models and Talent and was sent to a casting call where I received a role in RADIO a movie with Cuba Gooding Junior and Ed Harris. I then signed with Hilory Beckford of Clones Model Management in New York. Under those two agents I walked in various run way shows across the east coast and was featured in several commercial, print publications and an industrial advertisement for GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals. During my studies at Widener I also started training at Daddis Fight Camp in South Philadelphia and Philadelphia Fight Factory in the Northern Liberties/Kensigton Area. My instructors were Aaron Meisner, Brad Daddis, Rigel Balsamico, Steve Haigh, and Wilson Reis. I trained in Muay Thai, Jui Jitsu and boxing. I fought under the management of Ed Hsu who encouraged me to go professional.
I won the Combat in The Cage Championship for NJ, DE, NY, And PA at 170lb which is classified as welterweight. It was then that I decided not to go to law school and decided to move to Las Vegas to train to become a Professional cage fighter. I was immediately picked up and signed by TAPOUT Research and Development Team coached by Shawn Tompkins, Keebo Robinson, and Robert McMullin. I traveled all around and trained in Japan, Australia, Abu Dhabi, and Canada. My coach Shawn Tompkins named me “THE DREAM” and I have kept it to honor him in all my endeavors since then. After he passed away I began training with the number one Jui Jitsu practitioner in the world at the time Robert Drysdale and trained in Muay Thai with Mark Beecher under the HYENA MUAY THAI SYSTEM. I went through some hardships in life and stopped training and modeling for an extensive period of time due to personal circumstances.
I returned to training at Webb Fitness and MMA under Jonavin Webb and Phil Maldonato. I fought my last two fights and retired in 2022. I had a moment where I was lost and didn’t know what to do. I’m a Christian and a man of faith so I prayed and consulted my ex fiancé who is a corporate attorney and a law professor. She asked me what I wanted to do and she told me she would help by being a liaison and reference. I told her I wanted to get into the adult industry meaning porn. I actually started dancing under the management of Larry Evans under a company called Hunk-o-Mania. Shortly after that I was soon picked up by the number one porn agency in the world, HUSSIE MODELS and represented by the owner himself Riley Reynolds. Since then I’ve worked for top companies such as BLACKED, BRAZZERS, SEEHIMFUCK, BANGBROS, TEAM SKEET and FILTHY KINGS. I worked with the greatest of producers such as Derek Dozier and Johnny Robins. I have over 74 Million Views on adult websites and my brand is growing by the day. I have goals. I want to be one of the best male entertainer/actors on the big screen in motion pictures.
Kasheem Peterson. Photo: tony Ward, Copyright 2024
Kitchie Ohh. First Shoot. Photo: Michael Bann aka Victor Devilbliss. Copyright 2024
Text by Kitchie Ohh, Copyright 2024
In Memorium
A Muse in Grief
“Sometimes, you meet someone and, in an instant, you connect with them and know no matter what your relationship becomes, you will be forever comforted by their mere existence.”
It’s true. The man who said that would know, of course. I think for as much as he felt it about anyone, more people than he realized felt that way about him. Who is he, you wonder? Musician, writer, photographer extraordinaire, and my friend, Micael F. Bann. Quite a few of my previous posts here include photos taken by him under his alias of Victor Devilbliss.
My very first photoshoot occurred in 2013. I hadn’t planned on doing more, or doing anything with the resulting photos. But something just clicked and I wanted more. It took me a while to work up the nerve. The first first step came unexpectedly. Social media served me up an ad for a retro-themed magazine called Retro Lovely. I began following it, loving the posts and images. I wanted to be among them, but didn’t think I was good enough. Then, I saw a call for submissions for a spinoff of this main magazine called Kat Club. I decided I would go for it. With the permission of the photographer from that first shoot, I sent in a few images. On April 24, 2015 my picture was promoted as being included in the latest issue. Sadly, just before going to print, the entire Retro Lovely line folded. At the time, all issues were being traditionally printed and sold through mail order. The cost and effort just was not feasible, long-term,for a one-man operation. I was bummed but so proud of myself for doing it!
I went on to do three more shoots before stepping onto a set with the incredible Michael Bann, a.k.a. Victor Devilbliss, creator of the Retro Lovely Magazine line, in October 2017. Looking back, what’s incredibly funny is that I booked that photoshoot due to being a huge fan of the artist scheduled to provide hair and makeup, figuring it was probably the one chance I would ever have to work with her. The legendary photographer was secondary in my decision. Funny how that shook out. I never worked with that artist again but developed a close friendship with Michael and shot with him seven more times in his studio, his home, and other awesome locations requiring significant road tripping. I submitted our photos to various publications and was always excited to share when accepted.
Somewhere in the middle of that friendship and photography, Retro Lovely Magazine found new life. It was reborn in mid 2018, through a more cost-effective print-on-demand platform but with the same meticulously curated content for which the original publication was known. I was trusted with the news before the relaunch, assisting with proofreading the website copy and submission forms before they went live. I was excited for him. We had discussed at length how much he loved it and how devastated he was when he had to give it up. While it was a project he enjoyed and poured himself into, it came with pitfalls of course. He had developed quite the aversion to models and photographers who begged and bargained to appear on covers; who contacted him with horror stories about others to persuade him not to accept submissions or work with them; and so much more. He navigated it all without ever compromising who he was. I was extremely honored, and incredibly humbled when he messaged one day with a “so I was thinking…” and then a few minutes pause, which was a very Michael thing to do. I was expecting a novel-length message to follow about some crazy thing he experienced or an idea he had and wanted to bounce off me. Instead, it was a photo from that first time we worked together, mocked up for the cover of his magazine. I had barely grasped what it was he was showing me before several more messages came through pointing out how the set was perfect because he was able to shoot wide and the picture lined up for a wraparound cover. I finally understood and Retro Lovely Magazine No. 14 published in August 2018. He shocked me further by later telling me that he also sent a few photos from this set to a ‘hot rod’ magazine. They had chosen one to include in their upcoming issue. It was a publication that was a regularly mailed subscription and was also available in retail stores and newsstands. When it was released, he sent me a video of him entering the local Wal-Mart, finding the magazine on the shelf, flipping to our page, and purchasing it. He surprised me one more time after that, in April 2022. After our final spontaneous road-trip, destination photoshoot, I found myself once again, unexpectedly, on the cover of a Retro Lovely publication, this time it was Cassandra which had a very glamorous, opulent kind of feel to the images it contained. He made sure that I recognized that the title of the magazine was made to look like the glittery surface of the table in the photo. Of course it did. That was the kind of detail he just loved, the small things that made huge difference if you took the time to notice.
On set for photoshoots and in between, we often talked about life in general; family, work, relationships, anything, everything, and absolutely nothing, because sometimes you just need to talk nonsense and laugh. He was really good at that; at listening, remembering details, and making people feel at ease. It didn’t matter if you knew him for decades or days, he left an impression. Michael accepted people for who they were, brought out the best in them and and captured that in his photography. There are countless people who would say the same and then some. In fact, many of them poured good thoughts, prayers and energy out to him when he announced in early June that needed to take a brief break from everything – photos, music, Retro Lovely – due to a medical issue. Shortly after that announcement, he shared the gravity of the situation with all of us. He was diagnosed with a large mass on the back of his brain. It would require near-immediate surgery to remove it. Despite the seriousness, Michael posted with all the irreverence and humor we loved about him right up until that surgery. And never posted again.
Technically, he made it through the procedure. Complications afterward proved fatal.
He entered the hospital on June 7, and left this world June 21. It won’t ever be the same. I don’t just mean that for me. I don’t think he would have ever, in life, acknowledged the impact he had. I hope he knew it was enormous and reached so far. I still have not wrapped my head around the fact that he is gone.
How do you say goodbye to someone so much larger than life itself? You don’t, really. You remember, fondly. You cry, you laugh, you create, you keep them alive through you. I’ll close this the way I opened, with words from my friend, Michael Bann, who will be missed more than any words can ever express.
“The days after my last, think of me with peace. Recall a smile I drew from you, though new ones will have ceased. The weeks after my last, remember love I gave you, forgive the times I let you down, it was not my wish to do so. The years after my last, let my memory hold you. Know you meant the world to me, though I’m unable to console you.”
Photos shared here are from our first shoot and our last shoot.
In loving memory of Michael F. Bann, March 25, 1965-June 21, 2024.
Kitchie Ohh. Last Shoot. Photo: Michael Bann aka Victor Devilbliss, Copyright 2024
Kitchie Ohh is a full-time professional fundraiser who has worked with a number of health and human services nonprofits in the Philadelphia area over the last 20 years. She found her passion for modeling after a pinup-style photoshoot in 2013. Since then, she has worked with many talented photographers, stylists, hair and makeup artists in a variety of styles. She has been featured in- and on the covers of – multiple print and digital publications. Over the years, she has branched out from pinup studio modeling to serve as a figure model for live sketching, walked a runway, and was part of two campaigns for Philadelphia designer K. Vaughn.
In addition to her philanthropy-focused career, she has volunteered with art, historical, and community organizations, and even the events team of a local brewery for a while, pre-pandemic.
You’re just as likely to find her whipping up something deliciously plant-based in her kitchen or knitting a sweater as you are to find her on a photography set. Her motto is “be both.” The model and the homemaker, sultry and sweet, serious and silly. All the things, all at once. To access additional articles by Kitchie Ohh, link here: