TWS Homepage February 2025 featuring Gina Iannece
TWS Homepage: February 2025




Tony Ward began his professional career in 1980 as a corporate photographer for the pharmaceutical giant, Smithkline Corporation.  After several years of working in the department of corporate communications for Smithkline, he opened the Tony Ward Studio in Philadelphia, to service a variety of Fortune 500 companies and smaller business entities.

His personal work and research during the past 25 years has been rooted in exploring the visual cross sections of fashion and erotic photography by capturing the impact the sexual revolution of the 1960’s had on advertising and in particular magazine publishing.  His first book of photography, Obsessions with forward by A.D. Coleman was his first attempt at challenging the lines drawn between Art and Obscenity by questioning social mores, existing laws, and the evolution of photographic imagery that is viewed as inappropriate in some cultures and acceptable in others. He is particularly interested in further examining the first amendment right to freedom of expression and the impact censorship has had on the evolution of photography’s history.

He began teaching photography courses at the University of Pennsylvania in the fall of 2010, and published the work of his students on his blog at The blog section features articles by students and guest contributors who are invited to write on a variety of topics including Art, Architecture, Photography, Fashion, Erotica, Politics, Science, Travel and Current Events.

Tony Ward is currently a visiting instructor of Fine Arts at Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania.