David Biddle: Sound Effect Infinity

David Biddle new ebook Sound Effect Infinity
David Biddle: Sound Effect Infinity



Authors Note:  I wanted readers to have an experience totally off the literary grid. Sound Effect Infinity is a future paranormal mystery rolled up in puzzles about the real magic of music, then wrapped in questions about the power of the human mind. As one special character says deep into the story: “There’s always been questions people don’t understand to ask about music and sound.” Hopefully, readers will come away from this book understanding those questions and, possibly, realizing some of the answers as well. 

The premium hardcover will be released in March. Here’s an excerpt from the first chapter of the book that may touch a little close to home for many these days. The year the narrator is speaking from is 2062. 


Things had broken down. It always felt like America only half noticed. Certainly, those of us in the media knew better than to harp too much on the breakdown. Somewhere in the course of things had been what we began to call the Drift Away. Some people simply called it the Drift. There was no secession or war, really. Not even an agreement that had been discussed in the media or codified with a memorandum of understanding between those in charge of regions. One of the methods of the Middle Lands was to eliminate much of what was considered official. There had simply been too much turmoil and too much inability to define anything useful between the major groups. Incompetence on all sides. The Middle Lands became a new kind of territory — still America but certainly not the United States thereof.

sound wave illustration by A.I.
Sound wave illustration by ImageFx

Rules flattened. Expectations shifted. Laws seemed to have become more fluid, difficult to predict, and weirdly random. Geography itself had lost definition. It was the opposite of a revolution in many ways, even though it had been building since the days of the so-called Final Recession. They called it the last straw here, but wed sensed where things were going way back in my teen years. Collective memory had long ago dissipated because of computer storage and data. But that kind of predictability wasnt even available anymore on the coastal zones. Somehow not knowing had become a version of acceptable simplicity. There was a new cognitive process that seemed to come and go with all sorts of people. They wanted to know little about the past and cared less about the future. A vague way of thinking came into vogue that seemed to emphasize the near present. It was difficult to track, though, because people seemed to fluctuate in and out of it. You sensed an intelligence fog around them. There was the present, almost like a version of mindfulness, but it was only attached to a next step or two like going to the store, having dinner, that first cup of coffee in the morning, screen watching, some basic way to catch a buzz, nudge dopamine levels up a few notches. The joke we came up with way out in Philly is that a lot of people in the Middle Lands probably lost interest during sex because they couldnt remember they were hoping to have an orgasm.

David Biddle’s latest release Sound Effect Infinity is being published as an ebook by The Story Plant, link here: https://www.thestoryplant.com

To order on Amazon, link here: https://www.amazon.com/Sound-Effect-Infinity-Control-Altered/dp/1611883741


Portrait of author David Biddle
David Biddle

About The Author:  A freelance writer since he published his first article on appropriate technology education with RAIN: Journal in 1985, David Biddle has published work with the likes of Harvard Business Review, BioCycle, Huffington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, GetUnderground, Resource Recycling, BuzzWorm, Talking Writing, etc. He was also a contributing editor to InBusiness (the 2nd best sustainability publication of all-time) for over a decade. His novel, Old Music for New People, was published by The Story Plant in 2021. This is David Biddle’s first contribution to this webzine.

2024: Covers of The Year

2024: Covers of The Year


Text and Cover Designs  by Tony Ward, Copyright 2024


The Selection Process


In the world of print and digital media, a magazine cover is more than just an introduction; it’s a bold statement. A cover serves as the magazine’s handshake to potential readers, a visual ambassador that communicates the essence of the issue. Choosing the right image is a critical decision that can determine whether a magazine gets picked up or passed over. This is true for online webzines like TW as well.

A magazine cover has less than five seconds to grab a reader’s attention. On social media or even the internet even less. In that fleeting moment, the image must convey a story, evoke emotion, and spark curiosity. It sets the tone for the content within and defines the publication’s identity. Whether it’s a striking portrait, an artistic still life, or a dynamic action shot, the image must resonate deeply with the target audience.

Equally important is the alignment of the image with the magazine’s theme. For example, a travel magazine may choose an expansive landscape to inspire wanderlust, while a fashion publication might highlight a model wearing bold, trend-setting attire to reflect the latest styles. The image must seamlessly integrate with the coverlines, typography, and overall design that’s been evolving over the years  creating a cohesive visual narrative.

Beyond aesthetics, the image must also provoke an emotional response. I have discovered over the past 10 years of publishing homepage covers, they often feature elements of surprise, intimacy, or drama—elements that compel readers to take a closer look. A captivating gaze, a powerful moment frozen in time, something erotic or controversial can intrigue our viewership and encourage them to explore further.

Practical considerations also play a role. The image should be high-quality, with a resolution and composition that accommodate text overlays without losing impact. It must stand out on crowded google searches and in digital previews, where competition for attention is fierce.

Finally, cultural relevance and sensitivity are paramount. A cover image should reflect the sites left leaning societal values and avoid misrepresentation or controversy that alienates readers. Striking the right balance between boldness and respect ensures a positive and lasting impression.

Choosing the perfect magazine cover image is both an art and a science that I’ve practiced diligently over the years.  When executed thoughtfully, it becomes a gateway to the stories within—a visual promise of inspiration, insight, and discovery. In the end, the right image doesn’t just catch the eye; it captures your memories and inspires you.



Nefertari Williams: Two Steps Smarter

An artist illustration of Taylor Swift by Thomcat23
Taylor Swift. Artwork by Thomcat23, Copyright 2024

Text by Nefertari Williams, Copyright 2024


Two Steps Smarter


I think Beyonce and Taylor Swift may have just two stepped all over our minds. 
Follow me through my pathway of parallel thinking..  And forgive me but “I was dreaming when I wrote this – forgive me if I go astray”. 
Well that’s where I’m going to start. This is a quote from the late great genius, artist and superstar, Prince. He wrote Purple Rain and America went wild. We didn’t care what genre it fell under – it was just amazing music… and we love it still to this day. 
Prince initially wrote this as a country song to sing with Fleetwood Mac specifically for Stevie Nicks but she admitted that she got a “fearful end of the world” vibe from the lyrics so she didn’t want to record it. She was right to get that vibe. The sing Purple rain is an actual spiritual reference that speaks about getting through tough times and your faith in a higher power during the end of time. Many pondered on the songs meaning for years. 
Prince used the color purple reference often, almost like he knew his end was coming sooner than later. 
I open with a Prince reference to show how we have had artistic geniuses  use their lyrics to shape our thinking throughout time. The art of story telling can change the mindset of generations- and it has. I believe it may be happening now. 
We lost this great artist in April 21, 2016 and his songs are still referenced and considered some of the most clever pieces of music ever made. 
Fast forward to present day. 
The world is on fire (as I write this Texas is literally experiencing its largest wild fire ever recorded 2/27/24) . There are three active wars, constant cyber attacks, women have lost their right to not have babies in some states and to get pregnant in other states. To top it all off, we have a man who is saying the quiet part out loud while running to be President. He wants to be a dictator (the very opposite of what the framers wanted America to be) He feels he has total immunity as a former President. 
This former President has tried to over turn the 2020 election, has incited an insurrection (but I think we have to call it a riot) and he might actually win his party’s nomination for reelection into the White House. 
Some Americans are ok with this because they feel as though they have been over looked and unseen. They are angry. Some may say rightly so. Some can’t even afford to buy groceries and they have been struggling financially for years. 
The problem is – the one man that they feel will be their “retribution” is part of the system that is keeping them poor but that’s another topic for another article. 
Ok, so here we are in an election year. We have a candidate who is running that most of the country doesn’t want to win. He is running against the current President who some believe is too old to do the job with the vigor that is needed. That is the epitome of being stuck between a rock and a hard place according to many voters. 
The former President is known for not having a close relationship with the truth. He feels the last election was stolen from him and now he uses strange conspiracy theories to get his “followers” to believe that if he loses again it is because he was cheated. 
This brings us to my reasoning for opening with the lyrics of the late great artist, Prince and his influence on the world. There have been stories surrounding a young beautiful pop star which are implying that she is using her popularity to influence the election. If she is that’s not against the rules and other artists have made songs that seemed to be aimed at influencing the election for the former President.
Like the late great artist, Prince – She too used to be a country song writer. To top it all off she starts dating a very popular Football star who happened to make it to Super Bowl 2023. That’s when more conspiracies started stating that they are just dating to gain more popularity which will mean a stronger audience and possibly more votes for the incumbent candidate. 
Ok fast forward; we have a popular award ceremony and Taylor Swift, the famous pop star (former country star) wins album of the year. Now this is a big deal because in comes another player. Beyonce, also a mega star has the most awards that this academy has ever given but has yet to win the one big award- album of the year. Taylor Swift  wins this title nearly every year.
Ironically (or maybe not) Beyonce’s  husband Jay-Z is honored at the 2023 Grammy award ceremonies and was allotted time to give a speech. He used that time to tell the world that it is wrong that his wife has never won album of the year although her songs have won the most awards ever (again – except for the highest honor that they offer which is album of the year). 
Now we are all confused. Why would he do that? 
During the big award show the pop star Taylor announces that her new album would release soon which brings the audience to a roar. With this announcement the pop star and Travis Kelce her famous football playing boyfriend are the most talked about couple all the way up to the big football game of the year. The Superbowl. 
The pop star has been making appearances at football games to see her famous boyfriend and this has been great for ratings. It has also pulled in a demographic of Americans who don’t normally watch football. 
Everyone is excited because there are rumors that the boyfriend is going to ask the pop star to marry him if he wins the big game (Travis  did win but didn’t propose).
So everyone is watching the big game. Then there is another twist. The mega star (Beyonce)does commercials during the superbowl  and announces that she’s dropping a country album ( she never won album of the year as a pop star and now she’s switching to singing country music). She then releases two country songs. Everyone is shocked. Everyone also thinks that this may be a competition between the pop Star who was a former country singer and the mega Star. 
That would be an interesting theory except when you turn on social media all you see are people doing the two step to the Mega stars new country song and the people who are dancing to it are the same demographic of the Ex President who is trying to get re elected. 
Coincidence – I think not. In fact I think the plot thickens. I don’t think the pop star and the mega star are competing at all – I feel that it’s all a brilliant plan to unify the country which has been deeply divided due to the two Presidents running on opposing issues. 
I also think, like the late great Prince has done so brilliantly ( for example when his record label would not give him a fair contract, to gain back control he referred to himself as a symbol that could not be spoken out loud ) one of the two singers is the master mind behind this effort to use music to unite Americans. 
In the mean time I’ll be two stepping right along with the rest of America as the Beyonce, mega star becomes the first black woman to have a song reach number one on the country charts, the catchy country ditty seems to be leaving us a little less divided. 
I think Taylor Swift, our blonde pop star, with her oh so mischievous grin, is sitting back, cowdboy hat cocked, thinking….the plan is working.
About The Author:  Nefertari Williams is a jewelry maker, activist for women with heart disease and the mother of five beautiful children.  She lives in Willingboro, New Jersey.  To access additional articles by Nefertari Williams link herehttps://tonyward.com/nefertari-williams-the-vicious-cycle-of-war/

Bob Shell: The Passing of a True Genius

Young man playing a Tuba in his underwear
Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2022

Text by Bob Shell, Copyright 2022


The Passing of a True Genius


I’ve just learned of the death at age 79 of Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou, known as Vangelis. As Vangelis, he was my favorite modern composer. 

Most of us first heard Vangelis when Carl.Sagan used some of his powerful music in ‘Cosmos,’ that wonderful tour of the universe (the Tyson remake is but a pale shadow of the brilliant original) or in an Ernest and Julio Gallo Christmas wine commercial. .

Before going solo, Vangelis was the driving force behind the progressive rock band Aphrodite’s Child, which he cofounded after leaving his native Greece to live in Paris after Greece’s 1967 military coup overthrew the elected government. Prior to that his Greek rock group Formynx had several hit records in Greece. 

He tired of the stresses of performing and moved to London to pursue his solo recording career. There, after a series of solo records, he was hired to score films, eventually scoring for more than a dozen. 

I became a fan after buying the soundtrack album for ‘Cosmos.’ His wonderful, unique music on there sent me scurrying to record stores (yes, we had them back then!) to buy all of his solo albums. 

But it was in 1982 that he secured a place in my heart and mind with his edgy and powerfully influential score for Ridley Scott’s masterpiece, ‘Blade Runner,’ my all time favorite movie. I have that score on my tablet today and listen to it often, along with the score for ‘Chariots of Fire,’ probably his best-known work. 

Vangelis, though I only knew you through your music, I will miss you.


About The Author: Bob Shell is a professional photographer, author, former editor in chief of Shutterbug Magazine and veteran contributor to this blog. He is currently serving a 35 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter for the death of Marion Franklin, one of his former models.  He is serving the 13th year of his sentence at Pocahontas State Correctional Facility, Virginia. To read additional articles by Bob Shell related to UFO’s, click here: https://tonyward.com/photographers-fight-for-their-rights/

Behind The Scenes With Shanell Verandez

Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2022


Behind The Scenes With Shanell Verandez


On Sunday, July 31, 2022, two very talented creatives: KVaughn and Shanell Verandez booked an Uber from their homes in West Philly and took the 40 minute drive to my studio in Elkins Park for a much anticipated photo shoot.  Ms Verandez first appeared on my radar for a new subject to photograph for the new Vixen’s series. I was first introduced to her by KVaughn himself, the brilliant fashion designer and creative director for his exclusive collection of scarves that made him a star with a loyal customer base that he established over the past 25 years.  So when KV (as I like to call him), said look at this person, I took a hard look. He was right on serving as my creative director and talent scout.  Ms. Verandez was perfectly cast as the newest Vixen! She imbues a combination of raw beauty and musical talent bundled into a complex sophisticated human being.

Here is a reel from the shoot: Shanell Verandez sitting for the Vixens series

During the sitting, Shanell proved that she had previous experience in front of the camera, having modeled professionally for various designers and modeling agencies  in her past.  She made all of the crew on set comfortable and created an atmosphere of joviality.  After a series of garment changes crafted by the wizardry of KV we wrapped the shoot and invited some of the studios friends over for a luncheon to celebrate the success of our collaboration. Before the luncheon began, Ms. Verandez sang and aria written by Mozart, her favorite composer.  This was the first time she performed operatically since the pandemic began.  You can enjoy her beautiful voice here: Shanell Verandez performing an aria by Mozart

After the luncheon where guests dined on chicken cacciatore, braised salmon, peas with pasta in tomato sauce and nicoise salad, we sat out in the backyard and enjoyed a lively conversation to round out a very stimulating afternoon with new and old friends: Conversation in the yard

To access a gallery of photographs from the new Vixens series, including several of Shanell Verandez, click here: https://tonyward.com/new-work-the-vixens-series/