A.H. Scott: “Unraveled In the Blink of An Eye”

Illustration of a blinking President Joe Biden
Artwork by Thomcat23, Copyright 2024

Text by A.H. Scott, Copyright 2024


“Unraveled In the Blink of An Eye”


Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a liar. (And, I could write this entire article with this sentence many a thousand times over) 

The Biden campaign’s choice to lay down the gauntlet of a debate against Donald Trump has turned out to be a flub that could be a most unfortunate turning point in the re-election of one of two men who have held the oval office of the President of the United States of America. 

Crestfallen is how many voters who are supporting President Biden may feel after the debate of June 27, 2024. 

This situation is not going away, because being blunt – Joe Biden isn’t going to get younger. 

Age is what no man (or woman) can get away from. This is fact and we all have to deal with it. 


Joe Biden has to sell it! 

Night and day, day and night; he is the man that has to sell himself on the side of democracy against the promised tide of fascism. 

President Joe Biden is the avatar of the Democratic Party, just as parallel is former President Donald Trump for the Republican Party. 

Trump has a presentation of strength. Yeah, and I hate to admit it. Of course, presentation versus reality should not be taken as the end-all, be-all of what will occur in the final months of this campaign.

That which is happening post-debate is way beyond just repeating how good and decent a man Joe Biden is versus the indecency of Donald Trump.


Happy talk isn’t going to make us unsee what we saw and unhear what we heard. Dems going on television acting as if everything is fine and think they can carry the President’s water to get him over the finish line is not going to work. Pity now for the President is the fact that he’ll have to work ten times as hard to show he’s up to the job. 

Sad to say it, but that word ‘pity’ will have a way of affixing in encompassing the situation that has sorrowfully blossomed around Joe Biden.

And, you know what – in the clinging and clawing of how the Biden campaign surrogates have acted in putting the spin on the myth of what happened with the President as being only ‘one bad night’, it reveals that lantern of gas-lighting has been raised by both political parties

As a voter, I am hoping that the President, his family, and closest advisers are not in the headspace of making an attempt at overcompensating for the sense of a man’s bruised pride and a feeling of being humiliated on a public stage, to the extent that they are going to craft a façade of vim and vigor that will possibly lead to an irreversible calamity or accelerated deterioration of his faculties.

The candidate may be on an impossible quest of ‘proving himself’ to the voting public and reclaiming that which was lost on that debate stage in Atlanta. 

That which was lost was time, space, and opportunity. Time was the precise moment, as for space and opportunity was being within an arms’ length of confronting an opponent.

Members of his staff who prepped him at Camp David for those six days prior to June 27th should have put the word out that he had a cold before he went into that debate. It would have given a heads up to the public who watched the debate and have a sense of understanding that he was under the weather. 

But, instead of doing that, they put out a candidate who looked pale and frail. They shoved so many stats into Biden’s head that he couldn’t keep his thoughts together as he was speaking. 

CNN’s political director David Chalian had also given the heads up to both candidates and their campaigns that the debate moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash would not be responsible for doing the fact-checking of candidate answers and claims during the allotted time. 

With that reality being known to the Biden campaign beforehand, they fumbled in putting the President on that stage against a known and outrageous liar. Oh yeah, Trump is what he is. But, what the viewers of that spectacle of that debate saw was a man who could not meet the dreaded one with a real pushback.


We can laugh at Trump, his whacked-out ideas of wickedness and all those who support him all we want. But, we are doing that to our own detriment. 

Trump’s possibly got 40 to 44 percent and that is his ceiling of support at this moment with Biden having literally the same percentage. Neither of these men are lucky enough to be in that luxurious position of being beloved enough to hit 50 to 51 in the lane of victory. 

The polls are not set in stone and we all know that. But, the fact remains that this race is too damned close, for it would be better for Joe Biden to be leading than having to catch up to Donald Trump from behind. 

Those on the left better wake up and realize Trump has a path to win this election. And, all of the condescension and snickering of constantly saying that Donald Trump can’t slither back into the oval office is a fool’s folly. 

For progressive/liberal/left talking heads to have this smirk of superiority upon their face and audibility of such dismissive hubris in vocal tone to anyone who would dare air questions of concern about the Democratic Presidential candidate’s will to fight, should realize it’s going to take more than just those of us who vote D to win this election. Yes, we better admit that we need Independents and even Republicans to put their votes solidly behind Joe Biden to win.  

When that bell was rung in that debate and Joe Biden took the podium, it was the optimum scenario to clean Donald Trump’s clock in real-time. It may be base to admit it; but, I wanted to see a verbal smack-down, dress-down and every other imaginable throw-down of an arrogant authoritarian, who wouldn’t give two-craps of what his opponent thought of him. Donald Trump would have to stand there and take it, without filter. 

It has to be more than just NOT TRUMP, but YES BIDEN!!

With the Supreme Court ruling on the definitions, discretions, and ideological protectorate of what is and what is not Presidential immunity[1], the majority has proven all which they do in servicing Donald Trump.

For what the Roberts Six has set forth in this term, we as voters are on our own in staying true to what democracy is. 

That CNN debate could be chalked up as being “The Fight That Never Was”.


Joe had one job to do. And, it wasn’t Prez Joe who we needed on that stage. Scranton Joe is who we needed. 

We, the voters needed a scrappy fighter who would drop a few apt f-bombs, mf-bombs and bs-bombs on that live debate against a round-the-clock, 24/7 liar. 

Joe Biden had to be at his fighting best when going face to face in that debate with Donald Trump. And, he was not. 

It was a wasted opportunity, which may never come again. Straight to the point; all the would-haves, should-haves, and could-haves are gone with the bitter wind of change in the hours passing.

But, now, after the fact – everybody seems to have to go on spin control doing cleanup to put Biden back together. 

Circling the wagons around President Biden has a way of diminishing him even further in being pitied. Whoa, we have to protect ‘the old man’ and treat him with fragility as we ‘ensconce him in bubble wrap’. This aspect paints the President with the turgid brush of Donald Trump’s accusation of feebleness. It just fits the narrative that has been coming from the right-wing all of these years. 

Sad to say it, but this narrative has fed into the caricature of how President Joe Biden is seen and heard. 


In some ways, what is happening right now has a way of becoming the ultimate bank-shot for the Republicans; for if Joe Biden bows out of the race and the Democrats don’t line up immediately behind vice-President Kamala Harris to be the party’s nominee in the fall, the coalition of the Democratic party would be ripped apart. And, with the Democrats in disarray, the Republicans would have the possibility of being the beneficiary of disillusioned voters across the country.

“How the fuck are you going to put all these white people ahead of Kamala?” – Donna Brazile, former Democratic National Committee Chair[2]

Time waits for nobody, including the person seated in the oval office at the present. Please don’t play the American voter cheap is my advice to the Biden campaign. 

Course correction is needed in the Biden campaign. Yet, some Democrats in the wagons might be overly correcting the situation at hand. The campaign should not shroud the candidate in teleprompter facilitated events. Toss the teleprompter and speak from your heart, Mr. President!

Put the candidate in town halls, quick interviews or even on a cross-country bus tour labeled, “Biden Build Back 2024”. He has to be snappy and awake to change the conversation from what many average voters are saying across America. 

The one thing which the President seemed to have on his side was the commodity of truthfulness in telling it like it is to the American public and not bastardizing reality with the simplicity of breathing the way his opponent does. 

Yet, as the story of that ‘one bad night’ is being retold and cajoled by White House staff and even Biden himself has changed over time; which leaves me scratching my head in wondering what is really going on in Biden-world.

Was it a cold[3]? Was it a 12-day jet lag[4]?


Former Senator, Vice-President and now President Joe Biden’s adherence to an overarching institutionalism has bared a blind-spot which former President Donald Trump has justifiably used against him. Trump and the rest of the Republican Party will pounce on any whiff of weakness. 

Biden’s weakness is his being a romancer of yesteryear. 50 plus years in the game Joe Biden has been. And, getting along with his fellow colleagues across the aisle has been his credo. Yeah, but right now the touting of bipartisanship is a stick that we as Democrats seem to be on the short end of.

An avatar may be able to take Democrats far. Alas, five decades of serving the American people is not an infinite placeholder of practicality, if a blip turns out to be a gnawing diminishment of permanence.

Things in the judicial and political sphere are no longer normal. To me, this means to confront this abhorrence that is Trump and all for which he stands for with more than just a powder puff of listless propriety. 

Mr. President, turn on a flamethrower and blast out of the damned box of conformity: 

Put your foot on the gas and expand the court!

Override the filibuster to codify the elements of reproductive freedom!

My humble advice to the Biden campaign is this; please don’t dismiss the concern and just plain-out curiosity that we as voters have over that debate performance. The enthusiasm for re-electing President Biden ain’t what you are betting on it to be. 

Sometimes when I see the Dems in the media constantly spouting off that their voters will turn out, I roll my eyes and sigh in realizing turning me out to the polls isn’t the same as turning me on to give a damn to take myself to the polls in November. 

And, yes, I intend to vote for President Biden. But, I wish we all could see Scrappy Joe from Scranton mixing it up without the shackles of the perceived way a President of the United States should behave. 

We’ve seen how the man in the office before the current occupant behaved and I as voter am dreading a return to that.

Be scrappy, Joe! Not sappy!


“Unraveled In the Blink of An Eye” – Footnotes: 

1.-23-939 Trump v. United States – U.S. Supreme Court 


2.-Democrats Fear Replacement Scenarios As Much As Keeping Biden – CNN


3.-White House Says Biden Still Has Cold… 5 Days Post-Debate Debacle – The Daily Beast


4.-Joe Biden Admits He ‘Nearly Fell Asleep On Stage’ During Disastrous Trump TV Debate – SKY NEWS



ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A.H. Scott is a poet and essayist based in New York City and is a veteran contributor to this blog.  To access additional articles by A.H. Scott, click here: https://tonyward.com/a-h-scott-crystal-clear/

Nefertari Williams: Take Care of Your Heart

Portrait of Nefertari Williams and her lovely daughter Shawna wearing a corset
Nefertari Williams and her daughter Shawna. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2024

Text by Nefertari Williams, Copyright 2024


Take Care of Your Heart


Surviving a heart attack while nine months pregnant is part of my story. I never thought that such a terrifying event would launch me into the public eye and open doors for me to speak in front of people that I may not have otherwise met. BUT that life changing event did that and so much more. It forced me to stop just surviving and start living. It wasn’t thought that I would survive but I did – One accomplishment out of the way – do I dare to add another goal to my list?! I did and I achieved it!! My list is now very long.

Archery was added later but jumped to the top of the list when I entered a pro shop and the man behind the counter placed a bow in my hand. He taught me the steps and told me to take a deep breath – then release – and I did. With that arrow I let go of so much fear, pain, guilt sadness and grief. It was a beautiful feeling. I’m hooked and I hope I never have to put down my bow.

Although I have a weakened heart due to CHF, SCAD uncontrolled tachycardia an aneurysm in my heart and much much more, I live proudly and fearlessly as a person battling heart disease. I tell my story/stories and I help others to understand that their trials and tribulations may be building blocks to a better tomorrow. Allow your story to be released into the world and help others to know that they too can make it to the other side of what may have seemed like something that could have broken them. From my quiver to my bow – I aim and release. Hopefully inspiring others along the way. 


Nefertari Williams shooting with a archery bow and arrow
Nefertari Williams

About The Author:  Nefertari Williams is a jewelry maker, activist for women with heart disease and the mother of five beautiful children.  She lives in Willingboro, New Jersey.  To access additional articles by Nefertari Williams link here: https://tonyward.com/nefertari-williams-trolls-have-tells/

Supreme Court: Alito Under Serious Scrutiny

Portrait of Samuel Alito Generated by AI.

Supreme Court: Alito Under Serious Scrutiny


Samuel Alito, appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by President George W. Bush in 2006, has been a prominent figure in American jurisprudence, until it was revealed to the American people that he flew a upside down American flag at his house after the January 6th insurrection. Known for his conservative stance, Alito has played a pivotal role in shaping the Court’s decisions on key issues such as religious freedom, gun rights, and campaign finance. However, his record and recent actions have brought him under increasing public scrutiny, particularly concerning ethical standards.

Justice Alito has been a steadfast conservative voice on the Supreme Court. His judicial philosophy emphasizes a strict interpretation of the Constitution, often aligning with originalist perspectives. Alito has consistently supported religious liberties, as seen in his opinions in cases like Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., where he wrote the majority opinion allowing closely held corporations to refuse contraceptive coverage on religious grounds. He has also been a strong advocate for Second Amendment rights, exemplified by his concurring opinion in McDonald v. City of Chicago, which reinforced the application of gun rights to the states.

Throughout his tenure, Alito’s decisions have significantly influenced American law and society. In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, Alito joined the majority in a landmark ruling that expanded the role of money in politics, allowing corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts on political campaigns. His dissent in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, underscored his conservative leanings and opposition to judicial activism.

In recent years, Alito has faced growing scrutiny regarding potential ethical lapses. Reports have emerged raising questions about his financial disclosures and interactions with political figures. Critics argue that these issues undermine public trust in the impartiality and integrity of the Supreme Court.

One significant controversy involves Alito’s relationship with wealthy donors and attendance at events hosted by conservative organizations. These interactions have led to calls for a more stringent code of ethics for Supreme Court justices, akin to those governing lower federal courts. Additionally, questions about his financial disclosures, particularly regarding real estate transactions, have fueled concerns about transparency and accountability.

Amid these controversies, an ethics probe has been initiated to examine Alito’s conduct. The probe aims to determine whether his actions violated ethical standards or compromised the integrity of the judiciary. Advocates for judicial reform argue that this investigation is crucial to maintaining the public’s trust in the Supreme Court. They emphasize the need for clear and enforceable ethical guidelines to ensure that justices remain above reproach.

Samuel Alito’s tenure on the Supreme Court has been marked by influential conservative decisions that have shaped American law. However, his record is now under the microscope as public scrutiny intensifies over potential ethical violations. The outcome of the ethics probe could have far-reaching implications for the credibility and future conduct of Supreme Court justices, underscoring the ongoing debate about the need for judicial accountability and transparency.

Bob Shell: Fighting Fire With Fire

Glamour portrait of a very pretty young woman wearing just panties
Lani. Photo: Bob Shell, Copyright 2024.

Text by Bob Shell, Copyright 2024


Fighting Fire With Fire


I have just received correspondence from an attorney named Adam Steinbaugh with FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression in Philadelphia (adam@thefire.org).
He’s offering his possible help with the problems I’m having with the Virginia Department of Corrections interfering with my right to write and publish my books.

I hope you’re aware of FIRE, as I was not. It sounds like he and his organization are things you should know about, particularly because they’re right there in Philadelphia.

I wrote letters about my problems to a variety of organizations. This wasn’t one of them, but Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts from for warded my letter to him.
I’ve also heard from PEN America in NYC offering their help, even though I didn’t write to them.

His address is:

510 Walnut Street, Suite 1250
Philadelphia, PA 19106

(215) 717-3473, ext. 213

I thought I should keep our readers in the loop on this. You or others you know might need their help at some point since the book burners are active again.

The VDOC’s Publication Review Committee banned my book Heaven and Hell on the Road to Reno based on an unpublished proof they seized. The idiots don’t understand that it’s not a publication until it’s published! Their authority extends only to publications. They had no authority to confiscate, review, or disapprove it. They’ve blocked publication, because without the proof I can’t make necessary corrections or editorial changes, so it remains an unpublished proof on my Amazon account.


About The Author: Bob Shell is a professional photographer, author, former editor in chief of Shutterbug Magazine and veteran contributor to this blog. He is currently serving a 35 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter for the death of Marion Franklin, one of his former models.  He is serving the 17th year of his sentence at Pocahontas State Correctional Facility, Virginia. To read additional articles by Bob Shell link here: https://tonyward.com/bob-shell-trump-and-me/

Nefertari Williams: Trolls Have Tells

Troll from Norwegian Mythology drawn by Dal-E
Troll by A.I.

Text by Nefertari Williams, Copyright 2024


Trolls Have Tells


It’s election season again and the buzz seems to be that foreign interference is on the rise. 
I see it daily in social media. A post may start out as an innocent comment and then boom, someone jumps in to make a racist comment and that changes the direction of the chain. 
I have even found myself feeling my blood boil just a little bit – wait (me talking to myself) look again. Trolls! Some just spend their days trying to tear this country apart- but if you pay close attention sometimes you can tell who they are. 
I was reading a post  about a new women’s basketball team player who grew a lot of attention when she was on her college team. She happens to be white and her stats weren’t amazing for her first professional game.
It happens! I then noticed the vitriol and cruelty in the comments. They were coming from about three different profiles but one thing stood out. The misspelling of the same words, the same grammatical errors and the way they referenced the team. We as Americans talk about sporting teams a certain way and all three accounts kept making this error. This informed that this was:
1. All the same person
2. Deliberately trying to stir up a racist debate. 
3. Deliberately poking at our racial vulnerabilities 
I called them out but they ignored my accusation and kept digging in with their racist rants. At one point – they were only chatting with themselves just to keep the feed going and “bumped” to the top of the thread. 
I believe as a country our first instinct should be to stay away from  comments that don’t feel good. You gain nothing by feeding into the lies and deception. 
While the Troll was probably sitting back laughing as hundreds of Americans made harsh, harmful comments to each other due to the chaos that they’ve started, they are successfully unraveling years of unity that this country has prided itself on building. 
Another suggestion would be to remember basic concepts that may sound silly but we were taught in pre-school and Sunday school. Phrases like “if you don’t have anything nice to say – say nothing at all” are powerful. Following this basic “rule” can eliminate so much turmoil and anger. I won’t dare say “Love thy neighbor” I know that’s a stretch.
Bottom line is we must try to make it through this non traditional election season – this time – without losing friends, family and neighbors. In the end we all must accept the results and try to remember the reason this country’s founders tried someone new. 
Plato wrote “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Troll by A.I.


About The Author:  Nefertari Williams is a jewelry maker, activist for women with heart disease and the mother of five beautiful children.  She lives in Willingboro, New Jersey.  To access additional articles by Nefertari Williams link here: https://tonyward.com/nefertari-williams-students-protest-and-the-truth/