A Medley of Recent Poems by Mikala Mikrut, Copyright 2022
I’m being shaken up in my bottle
A genie eager to please
All I require is a stroke
But you continue to shake, unappeased
I want to grant your every wish
Share glances with words unspoken
But you feign ignorance
And give up, thinking I’m broken
So I stay in my living space
Waiting for someone to understand
That I can grant you magic
All you have to do, is use your hand
I thought my instructions were clear
Even written on the bottle
But they must not be
Because you’re rubbing everything but the throttle
You’re doing what you think is right
Instead of listening to me
I’m telling you what I need
And you think all you have to do is “be”
And I wish you were enough
I really wish you were
But you made other choices
So I’ll stick to my frankincense and myrrh
I’ll stay in my lamp, where it’s all familiar
Because I’m starting to see
All you wanted was a decorative bottle
You weren’t looking for me
I won’t complain, though
Being your presence is pleasure enough
I can withstand it
How your interpretation is rough
So let’s both see through your eyes
How everything is fine
Let’s both pretend it’s all fun
Knowing you’ll never be mine
My body is a stiff steel in an unfathomably infinite space
Yours is warm silk inviting me back to your place
Your words imply I have a choice
And while that may be true, we both know I’ll go wherever there is you
You see, if you feed a stray cat
She’s going to come back
And so you leave little breadcrumbs where you want me to go
And I go willingly, or at least I want you to think so
I love our little game
With no end in sight
Where you tell me what to do
And I say I might
But I know you
You’re having fun too
My body is not always an easy place to be
As effortless as I try to make it seem
It’s sometimes hard to be inside of me
I imagine it’s not easy being anyone
And I’m not special
But looking in the mirror isn’t fun
It’s an endless gamble of who I’ll see
The decaying shell or the queen bee
About The Author: Mikala Mikrut is a regular contributor to Tony Ward’s blog. To access additional articles by Mikala Mikrut, click here: https://tonyward.com/romantic-relationships/