Tony Ward Diary: Happy Hour

Woman with great body wearing bikini by poolside having a martini
Happy Hour. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2022

Photography and Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2022


Happy Hour


I enjoy working on commercial assignments when the client has a great concept to promote their business. In this case, the client was also the subject of the series. I was asked to take a number of pictures of a female business owner who came up with a unique idea to promote a chain of tanning salons. The concept was that there would be Martini’s available to customers who used the salons services while they were tanning their bodies, creating a “happy hour” type atmosphere when clients stepped into the salon. The client cast as subject worked out magnificently in this case.

As part of the assignment I was asked to make large scale prints from the pictures we produced to decorate the salon.  She certainly was masterful  and successful in promoting her business. 


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