Studio News: First Annual Friends of Tony Ward Studio Luncheon

First annual friends of Tony Ward Studio luncheon
Photo by Sam Binder, Copyright 2022

Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2022


First Annual Friends of Tony Ward Studio Luncheon


Food and social gatherings are a long standing tradition at 361 Cadwalader Avenue in Elkins Park.  It all started when my parents, Milton and Jean Ward installed two kitchens, one on each floor of the property they purchased from a builder in 1952.  The lower level kitchen provided easy access to the backyard where they sometimes  would entertain and feed up to 50 guests multiple times over the course of a year.

In that same spirit I invited a group of friends for what will continue to be an annual luncheon on the 4th of July.  Attendees in the photo from left to right; Vince Mondillo filmmaker ,  Sandra Blumberg artist/humanitarian,  George D. Beatty printmaker/book collector, yours truly,  Kitty Hailey storyteller/public speaker, Anthony Colagreco TWS assistant/producer,  Malik Mubashir educator,  Mikel Elam artist mixed media,  Berrisford Boothe artist/educator,  Barbara Wallace fine art appraiser/advisor. 

The guests dined on fresh salad hand picked from the house garden, clams and spaghetti, shrimp rice and peas, biryani rice  with yellow raisins, cooked cashews & curry. Added to the mix were several Jamaican dishes including; curry chicken, callaloo & codfish, Jamaican jerk pork with rice and peas.

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