Photography and Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2017
Diary: A Most Memorable Day
This picture is personably memorable for two very specific reasons. I remember so vividly October 31, 2003. I was in Amsterdam working on this exiting fashion/fetish shoot collaborating with my friend, designer Danny Linden on a new series of photographs to represent new designs for sale at her fetish shop known as Absolute Danny, once located in the heart of the Red Light District in Amsterdam. Danny had become a celebrity of sorts in her native town, and was quite revered in the fashion fetish scene in Holland and Germany for a number of years. Danny provided the stunning voluptuous Dutch model for the shoot and took good care of the fitting and choice of location; her private bath at the tasteful apartment she appointed with lots of leopard prints and black accents in her master bath overlooking one of the canals on the Oudezijds Achterburgwal.
The shoot was going amazingly well until I received a call from the states mid way through that my father had died. It was difficult for me to finish the shoot when I heard the news although I knew his time was limited at 86 and weakening from terminal cancer. Just before I hopped on a plane to head over to Amsterdam I visited my dad in hospice knowing it would be the last time that I would see him alive. We talked about whether I should cancel the trip, but he insisted I go. So I did. It was not the most pleasant of Halloween’s, but a memorable image never the less.
To see selected works from the Penthouse Years, become a member, go here: http://tonywarderotica.com/category/membership-account/
To read the previous Diary post go here:http://tonywarderotica.com/light-table-self-portrait-maya/