Diary: Rooftop With a View of Beauty

Rooftop With a View



Photography and Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2017




It was an unusually clear and cheerfully sunny day in Amsterdam when I called upon a local modeling agency that I was working with to cast models for an upcoming book project.  The agency sent over a  21 year old Dutch beauty for the casting. After a brief talk with the new subject in my apartment, we proceeded up a crawl space  via a  narrow set of wooden stairs to the rooftop of the building that overlooked the Warmoesstraat, a bustling street in the Red Light district of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, loaded with tourists from all walks of life as they window shopped for prostitutes who were legally selling sex for a fee down on the famous street below.  Fortunately, the roof of my apartment was on the top floor of a street that ran perpendicular to the Warmoesstraat.  The model and I felt secluded from the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood teeming with sex seekers even though one could easily here the constant negotiations that were underway by the tourists who were soliciting the “window girls” down below.

Dutch women in general seem to be more comfortable with their beauty and sexuality as was the case with this lovely young native who innocently laid on a steel girder that was often used by tenet’s in our building  to hoist large pieces of furniture up to and through the windows of the old apartment complex. The small winding staircases so common to Dutch apartment dwellings in this section of town made it nearly impossible to deliver large pieces of furniture into the comfort of one’s home without the use of a hoist and a large open window. On this day the girder served a much more noble purpose. The locals in the vicinity who lived in taller apartment buildings benefited by the castings that took place on my rooftop on days when the weather put everyone in the neighborhood at ease, and in the mood to enjoy the simplest pleasures of man and his irresistible nature to enjoy beauty.


To access additional diary entries, go herehttp://tonywarderotica.com/diary-first-shoot-alice/



Diary: My First Shoot With Alice


Alice Chaillou: Paris


Photography and Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2017


Like many of the people we meet on social media we sometimes wonder if we will ever get a chance to meet our newly discovered cyber friends. Alice and I became acquainted on Facebook in the fall of 2014. Our communications took place over a period of several months. I mentioned in one of the correspondences that I was planning a visit to Paris to meet with my dealer, Pascal Vanhoecke who was storing a portfolio of prints at his gallery in Cachan. Alice and I looked forward to meeting in person, and so we arranged a photo shoot at the Alba Opera Hotel in the heart of Paris, where she was working as a receptionist. Alice’s friendship with the hotel’s owner enabled her to book a quaint room for me to stay in overlooking the old cobblestoned street in front of the hotel where Louis Armstrong lived for a year early in his career.

In anticipation of my visit, the accomodating hotel owner sectioned off a part of the hotel’s ground floor for us to photograph in. The full series of pictures from Alice at the Alba Opera Hotel can be seen exclusively by membership . To become a Club, Box or Executive member of TWE, sign up here: http://tonywarderotica.com/category/membership-account/


To access additional diary entries, go here: http://tonywarderotica.com/diary-devils-bridge/

Diary: Devil’s Bridge


Devil’s Bridge


Photography and Text by Tony Ward, Copyright 2017




When I first met Mia she looked like any normal young woman visiting my studio on a go see.  A little on the thin side, but not unlike many of the models I had photographed previously who were suffering from anorexia, an  eating disorder prevalent in the modeling industry.  It wasn’t until I noticed the scars and the track marks along both arms  that made for a much different picture that was originally intended.  Her deplorable condition immediately made me reflect on the temptations we are often faced with in life that challenge our reasoning,  the choices we make between  good and evil, which often shapes our destiny.  

Mia’s heroin addiction progressed to the point where the usual veins in her arms that fed her habit had recently collapsed, and  her emaciated frame began to show the signs of failing health.  Yet, despite all of the danger signs, she remained defiant and unfazed, as she proceeded to utilize a mirror in order to properly steer the needle containing the devil’s drug  into her bloodstream for a momentary,  yet deadly high. 

 I had never witnessed  a person shooting heroin before and for this sitting she agreed to repeat the scenario in the form of this picture.  Two additional models were cast  to represent good and evil, a symbol of the choices that we make in life of which in Mia’s case the latter prevailed.  

To view more pictures from the book of Tableaux Vivants, go herehttps://tonyward.com/early-work/tableaux-vivants-1993-2000/
