A. H. Scott: Trustworthiness



Poetry by A. H. Scott, Copyright 2017


Art Work by Dean Rosensweig, Copyright 2017



Come one, come all!

Step Up! Step Up!

Behind this curtain, you’ll see things you could never imagine

Just a plug nickel for the ride of your life

Boyz! Girlz! Take a chance!

Come on inside – if you dare

No need to push or cut in the line

There is more than enough time

That’s it! That’s it!

Right this way is the main attraction

Center ring is his and his alone

It’s Trumpo the Liar!

Oh, yes, there he is in all his bombastic glory

Trumpo proclaims, “How do I love ME?”

His groveling chorus in the adjoining ring sings, “In a billion ways!”

Dancing girls may be nice

But, under this big top, another type of animal will suffice

It’s the dancing bear and his name is Vladimir

Brush away the questions of fondness and affection

Don’t be so cynical about the obvious deception

Trumpo tramples everything in his wake

Yet, the truth has become a Weeble that wobbles, as he motions deftly with a head fake

Trumpo the Liar is a marathon man

He’s gonna milk these four years the best he can

Every drop’s going into the Trump family’s golden pot

Emoluments’ clause is a figment of bubbles that shall pop

Turning the blind eye on this hustle comes from the top

Jeffy from ‘Bama holdin’ it down as Trumpo’s AG

Sessions smiles, “I’m not a liar, because you can trust li’l ol’ me”

Trumpo has faith that Jeffy will stay the course

Under Trumpo’s tent, nobody has remorse

Taking an oath don’t mean a damn thing

Once you snag that hallowed position, the hook is affixed in stone

Unless some bottom feeder has a videotape of Trumpo or Jeffy screwin’ an ice cream cone

But, even then, it doesn’t matter

Trumpo’s resiliency seems to be an impregnable porcelain pig which isn’t going to shatter

Chorus of the sycophants is now complete

Jeffy, Steve and Sean all start to hum

But, we all can’t forget the coarse counselor of batting lashes, Ms. Kellyanne

Pity the tune they sing is far from the Brotherhood of Man

“United We Stand, Divided We Fall!”

From Trumpo’s tantrums, that melody of humanity is nowhere in sight

Even the most ardent optimist feels a pang of plight

Nighty-night! Nighty-night!

The show is over, boyz and girlz!

Run quickly from this locale of Trumpo the Liar and get out into the world

Turn on your bullhorns and proudly speak the truth, “He is a LIAR!”

Normal this ain’t

And, we mustn’t make it so

More of his talking and tweeting is a furious punching of lower and lower blows

Trumpo the Liar only now needs is a big red nose

Clown in Chief

Democracy in Grief

Trumpo the Liar shall persist

Yet, the clarion call for truth shall always insist

One word for humanity is, “RESIST! RESIST! RESIST!”

A.H. Scott



About The Author: A.H. Scott is a poet based in New York City and frequent contributor to Tony Ward Studio. To read additional articles by A. H. Scott, go herehttp://tonywardstudio.com/blog/h-scott-much-spank/

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