Article by Mikala Mikrut, Copyright 2018
Photography by Alex Meyer, Copyright 2018
Change is a touchy subject. Whether welcomed or not, it will find its way into your life. The only control of it we really have is how it affects us. We can learn and grow from this unexpected friend or suffer and curse it as an enemy. In my case, I’ve been hit with a multitude of changes in the past few months and I’m doing my very best to keep a positive attitude. And while I may still feel down at times, the term “fake it til you make it” definitely comes into play. At the very least I try to smile or connect to strangers in passing and every time I get a welcomed response my day gets a little bit better.
Socrates once said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” It is vital in our constantly developing world to remember to let go. Whether it is of anger or of things simply not going your way, holding onto negative emotions about change will always do more harm than good. It can be so difficult, especially when the healthiest change you can make is forgiving someone. But here’s the thing, we must always take care of ourselves first and foremost. To help other people in a healthy manner we must be grounded and well managed. Seeing eye dogs shouldn’t also be blind, right?
Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up changed, and rearranged to relocate us to the place we’re meant to be. Regardless of religious beliefs, the universe certainly seems to intervene at the most inconvenient times. Our initial reaction might not be easily controlled, but we most certainly have say in how we let change make us feel in the long run. Truly, no good can come from dwelling on “the way things used to be.” The only moment we should concern ourselves with is the present. The past cannot be changed and the future cannot be controlled.
Change nothing and nothing changes. Why be unhappy in any aspect of your life? The world is full of opportunity and adventures. Miserable in your work life? Make time for a hobby or start the hunt for a job that better caters to your personality and needs. Red flags in your relationship? Address it and work it out through clear communication or walk away, life is too short to be with the wrong partner. Disappointed in your wardrobe that hasn’t changed in a decade? Take what you don’t need to a place that buys used clothes, donate the rest, and go to the thrift store to embrace the style you’ve been wanting.
The most recent change I made was to dye my hair peach. Sadly, my hair decided it wanted to be pink instead. While I’m trying to wash it out as soon as possible to restore the pretty blonde balayage underneath, I’m doing my best to accept the compliments I receive with grace. When someone says “I like your pink hair!” I now respond with a smile and a thank you; they were just paying a compliment, not asking for its back story like my first instinct to give would be. I was looking forward to peach hair for a long time and it didn’t turn out the way I planned, but my point is that it’s okay! Big deal, plans change, outcomes aren’t always what they’re anticipated to be. I’m safe, I’m fed, I’m loved; that’s all I need.
About The Author: Mikala Mikrut is a sophomore enrolled at Southern Utah University and summer intern at Catherine Trifliletti Design, Las Vegas. To access additional articles by Mikala Mikrut, click here: https://tonyward.com/2018/08/mikala-mikrut-i-hope-you-read-her-eyes/